First Post
A shiny new blog on a shiny new website. This will mostly be a place to post things that I searched for on the web but didn’t find, and had to then figure out. I’ll also post occasionally on coding, drumming, trying to learn music & ear-training, and probably a few bits about FOREX trading.
The first thing I always do when setting up a new server (about once every 4 years) is migrate across my older websites. The bogeypage, from 1997-1998, is here. Around 1999, I got my own server, Flowerpot, in my college room, which hosted a newer site. Some years after I came to Trinity college, I set up a new site, which was mostly for playing with m4 as a tool for statically managing websites; this site is falling apart as I never updated the database bits, but the gist of it is still there.
If you’ve stumbled across the site looking for me, and you want to get in touch, I’m at hdenman .at. I am not a scholar of yiddish literature.