December 21, 2008 at 5:54 pm
· Filed under Drumming
The drum part from `Flim’, an Aphex Twin song as covered by the Bad Plus. This is from the album `These Are The Vistas’.
Flim drum part
And a Frankie Dunlop solo from `I Mean You’, recorded with Monk. This was done as an assignment for college and it has my analysis essay attached. Another transcription of this solo is available from my drum teacher’s website.
Frankie Dunlop – I Mean You solo
Here it is with no essay and no melody stave, much handier for practising: Frankie Dunlop – solo only
December 20, 2008 at 11:15 pm
· Filed under Drumming
I was called for a standards gig in a restaurant a few years ago and they mentioned Blue Monk, which I didn’t know. So I found it on YouTube and liked it a lot. I ended up transcribing the drum solo; here it is.
Solo transcription
Only the snare, bass drum, and cymbals are used. The phrasing is very clear, and plays across the bar lines and form divisions throughout.
Most of the rolls are played as singles. The triplets in bar 17 are played RRR LLL RRR LLL.